X.E Việt Nam Ninh Bình

Search X.E Việt Nam Ninh Bình Bus Tickets

Feb 2025

Top Bus Routes From Ninh Bình


Top Bus Routes To Ninh Bình


Boarding Points in Ninh Bình

Mentioned below are some of the boarding points in Ninh Bình that help commuters to opt for the most convenient location. Please note that these pick-up points vary from one operator to another.

  • Trường Yên
  • Bái Đính
  • 4 Võ Thị Sáu
  • Tam Cốc
  • HH1C Linh Đàm
  • Bến đò Tràng An
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Dropping Points in Ninh Bình

Some of the popular drop points in Ninh Bình are given below. Please note that these drop locations generally differ from one bus operator to another. The drop points in Ninh Bình are as follows

  • Cổng viện K
  • Số 10 ngõ 15 Ngọc Hồi
  • 74 Phố Vọng
  • 283 Lê Duẩn
  • Số 10, ngõ 15, Ngọc Hồi
  • BigC Hà Đông
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Bus Amenities


Water Bottle

Charging Point

Fire Extinguisher

Hammer (to break glass)

Emergency Contact Number

Cup holder

Reclining seat

Safety belt

Captain seat

USB port for charger



145° Asiento Reclination


What is the cost of the bus ticket in X.E Việt Nam to Ninh Bình?
In the upper boxes you can see the price of the most popular bus tickets to and from Ninh Bình, but if you don't find your desired boarding or landing point you just have to use our search engine to obtain more information.
How can I buy my tickets to or from Ninh Bình with the company X.E Việt Nam in redBus?
The process is very simple. You just have to go to the search bar and type Ninh Bình in the source or destination box, then select your travel date and click on the search button. redBus will show you different options for travelling, you just have to choose the bus operator of your choice, the most convenient schedule and buy!
I forgot to buy my return ticket to Ninh Bình, can i buy it later?
Of course. You can buy on our website or app your return ticket at the time you want, usually up to 4 hours before your bus leaves. We recommend buying them a few days in advance and thus take advantage of our offers and promotions.
Do I need to pick up my ticket once I have bought it through the mobile app of redBus?
It's not necessary. When buying with redBus, a digital ticket will arrive in your inbox. On the day of your trip, go to the terminal and look for the counter of the bus operator, present the e-ticket and the company will give you another.
How many hours in advance should I be in the agency or terminal to change my e-ticket?
It is recommendable to be 1 hour before at the counter to be able to change the e-ticket issued by redBus for that of the bus operator.
In case of a problem, how do I contact the customer service department of redBus, Malaysia?
If you need help with your purchase or if you have any questions about a particular bus operator or route, you can contact the redBus customer service department in Malaysia by dialling +60330992524 or by sending an email to support@redbus.my.

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